Portfolio of dispute resolution processes, each of which can be tailored to meet your needs.
Focuses on fundamental and practical techniques to successfully resolve disputes.
Analysis and solutions-based consultancy to impact organisational efficiency.
Practicing Lobbying for Legislation with years of experience and access to lobby your case.
2018 Events
Previous Events
Mediation A Way Forward
1st National Mediation Conference
7th March, 2015
Hotel Marriott, Karachi
PMA is Pakistan’s first organization representing foreign trained and accredited mediators as well as other professionals who have joined the Association to further the cause of the Association. The Association was formed in 2013 and has taken over number of activities which were earlier implemented by IFC/World Bank Group’s Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Project.
Considering that Pakistan’s contract enforcement indicators are not encouraging and it takes number of years and cost of contract enforcement, PMA resolves to lead and support interventions which will enable litigants and disputants to resolve disputes amicably and through mediation process and complement efforts of judiciary and courts in timely resolution of disputes.
ADR Developments in Pakistan: It is important to note down some of the important ADR/mediation developments in Pakistan which will not only highlight progress made in field of ADR/mediation but also scope for more work in this area.
- Operationalization of Karachi Centre for Dispute Resolution in Karachi and Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mediation Centre in Lahore.
- Presence of CEDR Accredited Mediators and Master Trainers in Pakistan
- ADR trainings strengthened and delivered in Pakistan
- Lobbying for ADR/mediation law reforms in Pakistan
- ADR Curriculum Development in Pakistan
- ADR considered as means to settle multitude of disputes including corporate governance.
Conference Objectives: The objective of this conference is to further the cause of ADR and mediation and debate developments, challenges and future interventions for institutionalizing mediation in Pakistan. The conference also provides opportunities for lawyers, academics, businesses and banks to seriously engage in developing mechanisms for resolution of disputes through mediation. Speakers belonging to various relevant fields will be invited to share their views on various themes of this one day conference. The conference will highlight commitment for developing mediation further for shortening time of disputes pending in courts, resolving disputes out of court and illustrating the urgency for using mediation as an ADR mechanism.
Conference Hosts: This conference is hosted by Pakistan Mediators Association with support of conference partners.
Conference Speakers and Guests: Proposed speakers for Conference will represent Government, Judiciary, Business Community, Bar, Academia, representatives of Mediation Centres in Pakistan and accredited mediators. In addition, foreign speakers will also be invited representing various institutions.